Tuberculous Testing Orange County

A TB test is most accurate when it is done within the first three weeks of the symptoms appearing. If the person's symptoms have been present for more than three weeks, the TB test may not be accurate. A person's TB test results will either be negative or positive. If the TB test is negative, this means that the person does not have TB. If the TB test is positive, this means that the person has TB and needs to be treated. TB Testing Orange County is a screening test for tuberculosis. The test is usually given to people who are in high-risk groups. It is also given to people who have symptoms of TB, such as coughing up blood, fever, weight loss, or night sweats. A TB test can be given by a blood test, a sputum test, or a urine test. A sputum test is the most common type of TB test. This test is usually done by sending a sample of the person's sputum to a lab for testing. A sputum sample is a mixture of saliva and mucus that comes from the lungs and throat. It can be collecte...